Get a Grip!

Grip strength is a crucial component to many daily living activities such as carrying in groceries, lifting heavy items off the ground, opening a door, catching yourself on a railing if you trip, etc. It can be a difference maker in the gym as well. One of the most limiting factors to being able to progress on a certain weight resisted exercise is how strong your grip is and if you are able to hold the weight in your hands. Deadlifts, curls, pullups, pressing movements, and anything that requires you to hold on to something all rely heavily on your grip strength. For that reason, it is important to include some grip training in your workout routine. Here are our top 5 grip strengthening exercises!

  1. Deadlifts

    Deadlifts require a strong grip to hold onto the bar as you perform the movement. Throughout the entire lift, the hands are holding on to a bar that supports a large amount of weight. This causes your grip and forearm muscles to contract isometrically. This isometric contraction is a great stimulus for developing a stronger grip.


2. Farmer’s Carry

This is a great exercise for simulating a common daily living activity such as carrying in groceries or walking with a brief case.


3. Hang on a Pullup Bar

This is a fun one to do to test the amount of time you can hold yourself up on a pullup bar. You can easily increase the difficulty by adding weight to your body such as with a weight vest or hold on for an extended period of time.


4. Wrist Curls

This is a great one for developing the forearm muscles which support your grip strength and can be the difference maker in an arm wrestle!


5. Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are also great for developing the wrist and forearm muscles as well as the biceps to help improve total arm strength.


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