Improve Your Golf Performance at Proformance

How Golf Fitness Can Improve Your Game

  • Every new ProFormance Golf Fitness client goes through an in depth evaluation process. Think of this as a physical for golf where we break down and assess how you perform in every movement of the golf swing.

  • After going through your in depth evaluation, your coach will design a golf exercise program to best meet your goals.

  • You and your coach will work hard on executing your golf fitness plan with sessions at ProFormance. We are constantly reassessing to best gauge how you progress.

  • After weeks or months of working hard you will see lower scores, longer shots, and less pain. All while becoming a more healthy version of yourself.

Our Process

Why Choose TPI Certified Coaches?

18 of the last 20

Major Championships

Were won by players advised
by a TPI Certified Expert

25 of the Top 30

Players in the world

Are advised
by a TPI Certified Expert

Watch this video to see what an advanced golf fitness program looks like

Get a sneak preview at the golf fitness screening process

See what PGA Coaches are saying


Experience Pro Results at ProFormance

It’s time to see what all the buzz is about and how our friendly, welcoming, and positive environment and team can help you achieve YOUR goals.